
Here at Express Plumbing & Gas we want to help you find the best products in plumbing and heating. We cover equipment for the bathroom, the kitchen and much more.

Our goal is to help you get plumbing equipment that works, so that’s why we base all our lists on hundreds of reviews! In fact…

377,000+ reviews to help you choose the best plumbing equipment

Hundreds of rankings

We have checked thousands of plumbing equipment reviews, so we can rank hundreds of toilets, sinks, radiators and much more.

100% independent

Our site is 100% independent. We don’t sell anything, so no brands influence the reviews and rankings.

Ad- and cost free

We hate ads and banners as much as you do, so our site is completely free of ads and banners.

If you want to get in touch with us, you can write to us here.

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